Toscotec completes the SIPAT S.A. tissue machines rebuilds in Meknes Morocco
Toscotec has completed and started up in cooperation with Sipat S.A. the major rebuild of the two machines (#1 and #2 ) housed in the company facility in Meknes Morocco.
Sipat S.A. - Societé Industrielle Des Papiers "Tissues" - born in 1978, is owned by the El Kendouci family. With a production capacity of 16.000 tpy, the company can satisfy the request of the Moroccan market, capable of absorbing 70% of SIPAT's capacity, and exports the rest to Senegal and Tunisia. The production comprises in first position facial tissue, second toilet rolls, then bronze medal for table napkins, and last but growing are kitchen towels.
The PM1 rebuild affected the dry end area of the production line with the installation of a new hood and new steam & condensate system, increasing the machine drying capacity and so the production of higher BW grades.
PM2 rebuild aim instead was to increase both the paper quality and the production speed with the following interventions: approach flow and headbox modification, the supply of a new steel dryer TT SYD 2500MM with new steam & condensate system, steam hood rebuild and upgrade of the vacuum system.
The rebuilds have been completed according to the time schedule and both of them have been carried out by Toscotec on a turn key basis.
With these important rebuilds Sipat S.A. can now optimise the production cycle, both in terms of production flexibility and in energy costs, and improve paper quality.
