Toscotec rebuilds the Wepa Lucca tissue machine in Cassino
Just at the beginning of the new year Toscotec has completed and started up in cooperation with Wepa Lucca the major rebuild of the wet end section of the TM#1 in Cassino (FR- Italy). The rebuild has been carried out according to the time schedule in a very short time being the paper to paper shut down from X-Mas to the New Year Eve. The original TM#1 configuration in Cassino was a Tisco Former from Esher Wyss dated 1987 with grooved YD 18 FT dia. The machine featured a paper trim at the reel of 5300 mm with a max running speed before the rebuild of 1700 mpm with a limitation on production of low basis weights. The project scope was to rebuild the machine into a crescent former configuration in order to improve the machine speed and paper quality as well as the runnability and maintenance. Due to the perfect integration of the mill and Toscotec teams the target was reached both in terms of timing and performances and few days after the machine re-start up the operative speed reached 1800 mpm on low basis weight with improvement on the paper quality. With this new important upgrading the Cassino Mill can now optimise the production cycle both in terms of maintenance and flexibilty. On the other hand once more Toscotec has demonstrated its capability and great experience in managing complex technological rebuilds on wide and fast tissue machines in a short delivery and installation time.
